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Wednesday 13 July 2016

Working with SQL Server Profiler Trace Files

Working with SQL Server Profiler Trace Files

First we need to know the location of the old trace file. Once we are aware of this, we need to open the SQL Server Profiler. Upon opening Profiler, in the menu bar go to Open -> Trace File, as shown in the picture below.
creating a trace template from an existing trace file
The Open File dialog box appears and we need to navigate to the location where the trace file is saved. Choose the trace file and click the Open button on the dialog box.
open sql server profiler
Profiler loads the contents of the trace file as shown in the image below. The trace file in this example is based on the Database events and I selected Data and Log file growth events and filtered to trace only the AdventureWorks database.
in this example the trace file is based on the database events
From the menu bar select Save As-> Trace Template option (see image below).
save as >trace template
Type the new Template name. Choose a template name as appropriate as possible, to reflect the events selected in that trace. This way, the next time you need to use this Profiler trace you just look a the name instead of having to open it and look at the events that it captures.
chhose a name for the template
Once the trace template is saved you can use this trace template for any new trace you run. To do this, in the General tab, choose the trace template from the list of available templates.
trace template type sql server 2008

Saving a profiler trace inside a database table.

Why and how is this useful?

Saving a profiler trace in a database table has multiple benefits. One way is that you can query the table for more granular level details. By adding multiple WHERE clauses to your query you can find only those records you are interested in. One of my personal favorites is retrieving data for a certain time period. This way I can look at those details between 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM. Moreover I can add other conditions to dig deeper and weed out non-important data while trying to solve a particular issue.
One other important benefit is we can delete data from the table that is not relevant making it easier while viewing the trace from Profiler.

Steps to do this.

Open an existing trace file in SQL Server Profiler (described earlier in this tip). In the menu bar go to Save As -> Trace Table, as shown in the picture below.
open an existing trace file in sql server profiler
We need to provide the authentication details to connect the Server in which we want to store the trace table. From the picture below, you can see that I am connecting using SQL Server Authentication.
connect using sql server authentication
Upon successful connection to the Server, we are required to choose the database from the drop down list of the databases, by default the master database is displayed. I selected AdventureWork, but it would be a good idea to setup another database to store this data to keep it segmented from your other data. After that, we have to type in the name of the table if we are creating a new table, alternately you can choose an existing table which you are sure is no longer required. This is because the existing table will be overwritten, causing you to lose the entire table, the structure of the table and all data in it.
its a good idea to set up another database to store this data
Once the trace is saved in a table, we can query it from SQL Server Management Studio (picture b
Once the trace is saved in a table, we can query it from SQL Server Management Studio  

Interpreting the Trace

The next step is to analyse the trace file to determine which are the procedures and queries that are placing the heaviest load on the server. I'm going to do that by loading the trace file into a database on a dev server.
One option would be to load the trace file into Profiler and then use Profiler's "save to database table" option. However, I prefer to create a dedicated table, called TraceResults, and then use a built-in SQL function called fn_trace_gettable, to read the trace and import it into the table:
CREATE TABLE TraceResults (
 TextData VARCHAR(4000),
 Duration INT,
 Reads INT,
 Writes INT,
 StartTime DATETIME,
 ProcedureName VARCHAR(100)

INSERT INTO TraceResults
(TextData, Duration, Reads, Writes, CPU, StartTime)
SELECT TextData, Duration/1000, Reads, Writes, CPU, StartTime
FROM fn_trace_gettable('F:\Traces\WebForums20090215193108.trc',1)
Notice that I'm dividing the duration by 1000 because, in SQL 2005 and 2008, Profiler captures the duration in microseconds, and I have no interest in durations with that level of granularity.
The reason for using a script to import the trace is twofold. Firstly it's easier and quicker to run a single query than to start Profiler, load up the trace file and then save it to a database table. Secondly, if the loading is done with a script, then both the creation of the trace and the loading of it can be automated using SQL Agent jobs. So, for example, you may have a job on the main server to start the trace and then one on the dev server, which starts an hour later, to copy the trace file over and import it.
Once I've got the trace file into a table, I can query it. It's tempting to simply order by the duration, reads or CPU and just focus on the top few records. However that is not sufficient. Adopting this strategy here, I find that "most expensive" query is a search query that has reads and duration far in excess of any other query, as shown in Figure 3:
Figure 3: Finding the "most expensive" queries
However, further investigation shows that the search query only ran once in the entire sample period, as shown in Figure 4:
Figure 4: The query with the longest duration ran only once over the analysis period.
A query that runs only once a day and minutes to run is less of an overall problem in general than one that runs 10 times a second and takes a half second to run each time. The queries that I need to optimise most urgently are the ones that consume the highest cumulative amount of time, or CPU, or number of reads, over the period monitored.
If ad-hoc SQL is involved, calculating the cumulative time, reads or CPU can be extremely non-trivial, as the slightly different query structures, and different values that may be hard-coded within the query, can make it very difficult to identify queries of the same pattern. Fortunately, this application uses just stored procedures, and as such getting the cumulative execution characteristics is relatively easy.
NOTE:  Parsing and identifying matching ad-hoc SQL Statements is extremely complex and there's no good way to do it in T-SQL. For an app that uses a great deal of ad-hoc SQL, I would recommend a tool like ReTrace to do the import and analysis, as it has the capability to parameterise queries that it reads from a trace file.
The following query will extract the name of the procedure from the text of the statement, using the EXEC keyword to identify where the procedure name starts and a space to find where it ends. This will not work perfectly in all cases, for example when a procedure has a space in the name. As with ad-hoc SQL, there's no easy method that will work in all cases to identify the procedure name, but this does cover the majority of cases.
UPDATE TraceResults
   SET ProcedureName =
      RIGHT(TextData, LEN(TextData) - CHARINDEX(' ',TextData, CHARINDEX('Exec',TextData))),
      CHARINDEX(' ', RIGHT(TextData, LEN(TextData) - CHARINDEX(' ',TextData, CHARINDEX('Exec',TextData))) + ' ')
where TextData like '%exec%'
Now that I have the procedure name for each of the queries in my trace table, it's trivial to aggregate the execution characteristics of these stored procedure over the sample period, as shown in Figure 5:
Figure 5: Aggregating execution statistics by stored procedure
As you can see, the procedure that had the both the highest total duration and the highest total IO is "ViewThread", with a total duration summed over all executions of 1,815,846 milliseconds, a total number of IOs of 442,711,386 and an execution count of 2377.
It's these procedures that I need to tackle first, in my drive to improve the overall system performance. I've often found, based on my experience performance tuning assorted systems, that optimising the three most intensive procedures (by time, CPU, reads or a combination) will result in dramatically improved performance of the entire system. If overall performance does not improve sufficiently, then I'll look at the next three procedures, and so on.
I do not recommend ever trying to optimise everything in one go. Firstly, trying to optimise all stored procedures, in anything other than a tiny application, will take ages. Secondly, changes made because of one procedure may completely change the execution characteristics of a different procedure and invalidate any work done on that.

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