Counter of Festivals

Ashok Blog for SQL Learners and Beginners and Experts

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Database table partitioning in SQL Server

 What is a database table partitioning?

Partitioning is the database process where very large tables are divided into multiple smaller parts. By splitting a large table into smaller, individual tables, queries that access only a fraction of the data can run faster because there is less data to scan. The main of goal of partitioning is to aid in maintenance of large tables and to reduce the overall response time to read and load data for particular SQL operations.

Vertical Partitioning on SQL Server tables

Vertical table partitioning is mostly used to increase SQL Server performance especially in cases where a query retrieves all columns from a table that contains a number of very wide text or BLOB columns. In this case to reduce access times the BLOB columns can be split to its own table. Another example is to restrict access to sensitive data e.g. passwords, salary information etc. Vertical partitioning splits a table into two or more tables containing different columns:

Example of vertical partitioning

An example for vertical partitioning can be a large table with reports for employees containing basic information, such as report name, id, number of report and a large column with report description. Assuming that ~95% of users are searching on the part of the report name, number, etc. and that only ~5% of requests are opening the reports description field and looking to the description. Let’s assume that all those searches will lead to the clustered index scans and since the index scan reads all rows in the table the cost of the query is proportional to the total number of rows in the table and our goal is to minimize the number of IO operations and reduce the cost of the search.
Let’s see the example on the EmployeeReports table:
If we run a SQL query to pull ReportID, ReportName, ReportNumber data from the EmployeeReports table the result set that a scan count is 5 and represents a number of times that the table was accessed during the query, and that we had 113,288 logical reads that represent the total number of page accesses needed to process the query:

As indicated, every page is read from the data cache, whether or not it was necessary to bring that page from disk into the cache for any given read. To reduce the cost of the query we will change the SQL Server database schema and split the EmployeeReports table vertically.
Next we’ll create the ReportsDesc table and move the large ReportDescription column, and the ReportsData table and move all data from the EmployeeReports table except the ReportDescription column:
The same search query will now give different results:
SQL Query Table Reports Data
Vertical partitioning on SQL Server tables may not be the right method in every case. However, if you have, for example, a table with a lot of data that is not accessed equally, tables with data you want to restrict access to, or scans that return a lot of data, vertical partitioning can help.

Horizontal Partitioning on SQL Server tables

Horizontal partitioning divides a table into multiple tables that contain the same number of columns, but fewer rows. For example, if a table contains a large number of rows that represent monthly reports it could be partitioned horizontally into tables by years, with each table representing all monthly reports for a specific year. This way queries requiring data for a specific year will only reference the appropriate table. Tables should be partitioned in a way that queries reference as few tables as possible.

Tables are horizontally partitioned based on a column which will be used for partitioning and the ranges associated to each partition. Partitioning column is usually a datetime column but all data types that are valid for use as index columns can be used as a partitioning column, except a timestamp column. The ntext, text, image, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), or varbinary(max), Microsoft .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) user-defined type, and alias data type columns cannot be specified.
There are two different approaches we could use to accomplish table partitioning. The first is to create a new partitioned table and then simply copy the data from your existing table into the new table and do a table rename. The second approach is to partition an existing table by rebuilding or creating a clustered index on the table

Example of horizontal partitioning with creating a new partitioned table

SQL Server 2005 introduced a built-in partitioning feature to horizontally partition a table with up to 1000 partitions in SQL Server 2008, and 15000 partitions in SQL Server 2012, and the data placement is handled automatically by SQL Server. This feature is available only in the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server.
To create a partitioned table for storing monthly reports we will first create additional filegroups. A filegroup is a logical storage unit. Every database has a primary filegroup that contains the primary data file (.mdf). An additional, user-defined, filegrups can be created to contain secondary files (.ndf). We will create 12 filegroups for every month:
To check created and available file groups in the current database run the following query:
Available file groups
When filegrups are created we will add .ndf file to every filegroup:
The same way files to all created filegroups with specifying the logical name of the file and the operating system (physical) file name for each filegroup e.g.:
To check files created added to the filegroups run the following query:

After creating additional filegroups for storing data we’ll create a partition function. A partition function is a function that maps the rows of a partitioned table into partitions based on the values of a partitioning column. In this example we will create a partitioning function that partitions a table into 12 partitions, one for each month of a year’s worth of values in a datetime column:
To map the partitions of a partitioned table to filegroups and determine the number and domain of the partitions of a partitioned table we will create a partition scheme:
Now we’re going to create the table using the PartitionBymonth partition scheme, and fill it with the test data:
We will now verify the rows in the different partitions:

Now just copy data from your table and rename a partitioned table.

Partitioning a table using the SQL Server Management Studio Partitioning wizard

SQL Server 2008 introduced a table partitioning wizard in SQL Server Management Studio.
Right click on a table in the Object Explorer pane and in the Storage context menu choose the Create Partition command:

In the Select a Partitioning Column window, select a column which will be used to partition a table from available partitioning columns:

Other options in the Create Partition Wizard dialog include the Collocate this table to the selected partition table option used to display related data to join with the partitioned column and the Storage Align Non Unique Indexes and Unique Indexes with an Indexed Partition Column option that aligns all indexes of the partitioned table with the same partition scheme.
After selecting a column for partitioning click the Next button. In the Select a Partition Function window enter the name of a partition function to map the rows of the table or index into partitions based on the values of the ReportDate column, or choose the existing partition function:

Click the Next button and in the Select a Partition Scheme window create the partition scheme to map the partitions of the MonthlyReport table to different filegroups:

Click the Next button and in the Map Partitions window choose the rage of partitioning and select the available filegroups and the range boundary. The Left boundary is based on Value <= Boundary and the Right boundary is based on Value < Boundary.

By clicking the Set boundaries button you can customize the date range and set the start and the end date for each partition:

Customizing date range and setting start and end date for each partition
The Estimate storage option determines the Rowcount, the Required space, and the Available space columns that displays an estimate on required space and available space based on number of records in the table.
The next screen of the wizard offers to choose the option to whether to execute the script immediately by the wizard to create objects and a partition table, or to create a script and save it. A schedule for executing the script to perform the operations automatically can also be specified:

The next screen of the wizard shows a review of selections made in the wizard:

Click the Finish button to complete the process:

 How to Partition an existing SQL Server Table


There are two different approaches we could use to accomplish this task. The first would be to create a brand new partitioned table (you can do this by following this tip) and then simply copy the data from your existing table into the new table and do a table rename. Alternatively, as I will outline below, we can partition the table in place simply by rebuilding or creating a clustered index on the table.

Sample SQL Server Table and Data to Partition

--Table/Index creation
([pkcol] [int] NOT NULL,
 [datacol1] [int] NULL,
 [datacol2] [int] NULL,
 [datacol3] [varchar](50) NULL,
 [partitioncol] datetime)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_TABLE1_col2col3 ON dbo.TABLE1 (datacol1,datacol2)
-- Populate table data
SELECT @val=1
WHILE @val < 1000
   INSERT INTO dbo.Table1(pkcol, datacol1, datacol2, datacol3, partitioncol) 
      VALUES (@val,@val,@val,'TEST',getdate()-@val)
   SELECT @val=@val+1
Looking at the sys.partitions system view we can see we have created a regular single partition table.
SELECT objectname, indexname, partition_id, partition_number, [rows]
FROM sys.partitions p
INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id=p.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.object_id=p.object_id and p.index_id=i.index_id

TABLE1 PK_TABLE1 72057594042712064 1 999
TABLE1 IX_TABLE1_col2col3 72057594042777600 1 999

SQL Server Partitioned Table Creation

In order to create a partitioned table we'll need to first create a partition function and partition scheme. For our example we are going to partition the table based on the datetime column. Here is the code to create these objects and check some of their metadata in the system views.
AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('20110101', '20120101','20130101')
FROM sys.partition_schemes ps
INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions pf ON pf.function_id=ps.function_id
INNER JOIN sys.partition_range_values prf ON pf.function_id=prf.function_id
Now that we have a partition scheme we can go ahead and partition our table. Since we are going to partition the table using a clustered index and our table already has a clustered index defined we'll need to drop this index first and recreate the constraint using a non-clustered index. If our table did not have a clustered index we could omit this step and just run the CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX statement. Similarly, if our table had a clustered index defined, but it was defined on same column that we plan to partition the table on we could run the CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX statement with the DROP_EXISTING clause. Finally, if you are concerned about the downtime required to perform this task and you are using SQL Server Enterprise Edition you could use the ONLINE=ON option of the CREATE INDEX statement to minimize any downtime for your application. Keep in mind that you may see some performance degradation while the index is being rebuilt using the ONLINE option. Here is the script that we can use in our scenario.
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_TABLE1_partitioncol ON dbo.TABLE1 (partitioncol)
  ON myPartitionScheme(partitioncol)
Once this statements completes we can again take a look at the sys.partitions system view (see code above) and confirm our table now has 4 partitions.
TABLE1 IX_TABLE1_partitioncol 72057594043039744 1 233
TABLE1 IX_TABLE1_partitioncol 72057594043105280 2 365
TABLE1 IX_TABLE1_partitioncol 72057594043170816 3 366
TABLE1 IX_TABLE1_partitioncol 72057594043236352 4 35
TABLE1 IX_TABLE1_col2col3 72057594043301888 1 999
TABLE1 PK_TABLE1 72057594043367424 1 999

Sample SQL Server Table and Data Cleanup


 Creating a table with horizontal partitioning in SQL Server

 In SQL Server 2000 and prior there was option for partitioned views, but this had several limitations and there were several things to consider before implementing. With SQL Server 2005 and onwards we now have an option to horizontally partition a table with up to 1000 partitions and the data placement is handled automatically by SQL Server.  Horizontal partitioning is the process of dividing the rows of a table in a given number of partitions. The number of columns is the same in each partition.

Although you can have multiple partitions of a horizontally partitioned table on just one filegroup it makes more sense to break these out into separate filegroups, so you can also get some performance benefits.  Some of the benefits include an I/O performance boost, because all partitions can reside on different disks. Another reason is the advantage of being able to separately backup a partition through filegroup backups. Also, the SQL Server database engine intelligently determines the partition to be accessed for certain data. And if more than one partition is to be accessed the database engine may use multiple processors in parallel for data retrieval. Such design aspects are very important to get the full advantages of table partitioning.
Before running this script, create the following folders for this example.  You can use different folders, but you will need to adjust the scripts below accordingly.
  • D:\PartitionDB\FG1
  • D:\PartitionDB\FG2
  • D:\PartitionDB\FG3
Now run following script to create a new database with three data files on three filegroups.
Script # 1: Create a table with two data files
USE Master

(NAME = 'DBForPartitioning_2',
SIZE = 2,
(NAME = 'DBForPartitioning_3',
SIZE = 2,
Now we have a database DBForPartitioning with three data files created in three file groups. This may be confirmed using the following script.
Script # 2: Confirm number of file groups and files in DBForPartitioning
Use DBFOrPartitioning
-- Confirm Filegroups
SELECT name as [File Group Name]
FROM sys.filegroups
WHERE type = 'FG'
GO -- Confirm Datafiles
SELECT name as [DB File Name],physical_name as [DB File Path]
FROM sys.database_files
where type_desc = 'ROWS'

Broad plan
In a broad plan there are three major steps for implementing horizontal partitioning in SQL Server
  1. Create a partitioning function. It will have criteria to partition the data in the partitions.
  2. Create partition schemes to map the created partition function to file groups. It is related to the physical storage of data on disk.
  3. Create the table by linking it to the partition scheme and also to the partition function. A partition column will be used for this purpose.
At this point before implementation of these three steps we should have a clear idea about the structure of the table that we are going to create with horizontal partitioning. As mentioned earlier we have to implement horizontal partitioning on a table where sales data will be archived. For simplicity we will assume that the structure of our partitioned archival table will be SalesArchival (saleTime dateTime, item varchar(50)). The column on which data will be referred to partitions is called the partition column and it will be used in the partition function as the partition key. The partition column is important and should have the following conditions fulfilled:
  • Partition column is always a single column or computed column or persisted computed column by combining more than one columns.
  • Any data type that may be used for index key is eligible for partition column except TIMESTAMP data type.

Create partition function
In our example we have sales data for 2007, 2008 and 2009. So here we will create three partitions by providing two partition ranges in our partitioning function. The function will create data boundaries. In our case we are required to place all the data before 2009 in the first partition, data for 2009 will be placed in the second partition and data after 2009 will be placed in the third partition.
Script # 3: Create partition function
Use DBForPartitioning
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION salesYearPartitions (datetime)
AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ( '2009-01-01', '2010-01-01')
The partition key provided in the function is of type that will be the primary key in our partitioned table and partition ranges are based on this column. In our table this column is saleTime with a data type of DATETIME. The range defined may be RIGHT or LEFT. Here we have used a range RIGHT. As a rule of thumb ranges can be translated as
  • RIGHT means < or >=
  • LEFT can be translated as <= and >.
In our case we have used RIGHT with following values.
Range RIGHT translation
Record with saleTime Destination partition
< 2009-01-01 DBForPartitioning_1
>=2009-01-01 and < 2010-01-01 DBForPartitioning_2
>=2010-01-01 DBForPartitioning_3
If we had used range LEFT then partitioning criteria would be as follows:
Range LEFT translation
Record with saleTime Destination partition
<= 2009-01-01 DBForPartitioning_1
>2009-01-01 and <= 2010-01-01 DBForPartitioning_2
> 2010-01-01 DBForPartitioning_3
As you can see from these two examples there is not a big difference on where the data would reside when using date, but it could be significant based on some other data that may be used.

Create partition scheme
To get optimized file structure, we have already created three file groups for this database and a partition function is created with three partitions defined with certain criteria. Now it is time to link file groups and partition functions. We have to define the physical storage of records partitioned on the basis of ranges defined in the partition function. In our design each partition will go to separate file group. This approach will also allow us achieve benefits of performance for data load or delete operations along with utilization of filegroup backups.
Script # 4: Create partitioning scheme
Use DBForPartitioning
AS PARTITION salesYearPartitions
Mapping partitions to filegroups is flexible. Multiple partitions may exist on a single filegroup and single partition may be allotted to a single filegroup.

Create partitioned table
Now we may create a horizontal partitioned table by using the partitioned scheme and partition column. And for performance optimization we will make the SaleTime column the primary key hence a cluster index for this table.
Script # 5: Create table with horizontal partitioning
Use DBFOrPartitioning
CREATE TABLE SalesArchival
(SaleTime datetime PRIMARY KEY,
ItemName varchar(50))
ON Test_PartitionScheme (SaleTime);

Insert data to check the partitioned table functionality
Now it is time to insert data to verify our required functionality for partitioned table.
Script # 6: Insert sample in horizontally partitioned table
Use DBFOrPartitioning
INSERT INTO SalesArchival (SaleTime, ItemName)
SELECT '2007-03-25','Item1' UNION ALL
SELECT '2008-10-01','Item2' UNION ALL
SELECT '2009-01-01','Item1' UNION ALL
SELECT '2009-08-09','Item3' UNION ALL
SELECT '2009-12-30','Item2' UNION ALL
SELECT '2010-01-01','Item1' UNION ALL
SELECT '2010-05-24','Item3'
Lastly , we can verify the rows in the different partitions
Script # 7: Verify data distribution in horizontally partitioned table
Use DBFOrPartitioning
select partition_id, index_id, partition_number, Rows
FROM sys.partitions

We have created and verified a horizontal partitioned table for archival. Now data may be loaded in this table by any means.
There are some further considerations that are necessary to keep in mind while implementing horizontal partitioning:.
Considerations while planning
  • In a clustered table, partition column should be part of primary key or clustered key.
  • By default, indexes created on a partitioned table will also use the same partitioning scheme and partitioning column that is being used by the table
  • If data in a partition is not required to be modified that partition may be marked READ ONLY
  • Entire table will be locked during an index rebuild operation so you can not rebuild indexes on a single partition with the ONLINE option.
  • If you ever require to change partition key then you will be required to recreate the table, reload the data and rebuild the indexes.
  • Partition column and partition key both should match in terms of data type, length and precision.
  • Only available in Enterprise and Developer editions
  • All partitions must reside in the same database
  • You can rebuild indexes based on a partition instead of rebuilding the entire index.
Some enhancements for SQL Server 2008
  • Data compression can be implemented on specified or all partitions.
  • When appropriate use the date data type for a partition column and partition key which can cut down the storage needs and improve performance..
  • Lock settings may be implemented at partition level rather than at table level.







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